الشراكة العالمية من أجل التربة

Wageningen Soil Conference: Understanding soil functions: from ped to planet

Less than six months to go and counting down!

We are pleased to send you a detailed conference update in the SECOND CIRCULAR attached. Feel free to distribute this email to your network.


  • Keynote speakers announced
  • Call for ABSTRACTS open, submission deadline 15 April 2019
  • Registration for MASTERCLASSES open (no extra fee), first come, first served!
  • Call on young scientists to apply for the Rising Soil Stars science communication competition
  • Programme for the Fishbowl discussion and Meet the experts published

Check out the details, submit your abstract and register now at https://wageningensoilconference.eu/2019/.

See you all in Wageningen in August! 

  • Rachel Creamer (chair Organising Committee)
  • Gerard Heuvelink (vice-chair Organising Committee)
  • Maria Jaartsveld (secretary Organising Committee)
  • Email [email protected]
27 Aug 2019
- 30 Aug 2019
Wageningen, The Netherlands