الشراكة العالمية من أجل التربة

Launch the International Network on Soil Biodiversity (NETSOB)

As part of the implementation of the Outcome document "Keep soil alive protect soil biodiversity", the International Network on Soil Biodiversity will be launched to jointly advance the agreed activities.

Agenda | Presentations | PhotogalleryHighlight | Webcast | Recordings of the meeting | Report 

How can you take part in this initiative?

📍 Join us for the launch of the NETSOB on 3 December at 14:00 CET via Zoom platform.  Interpretation in the 6 FAO languages will be available. The NETSOB launch will define its working groups and governance, as well as analyze the roadmap and key activities to contribute to strengthening and improving knowledge on soil biodiversity at all levels. All participants from GSOBI21 and all existing initiatives are welcomed! See the agenda

📍 Take 5 minutes of your time and fill out the registration form indicating your favorite working groups. 


If you are interested in applying for the position of Chair or Vice-chairs of NETSOB, please review the selection criteria and send a one-page CV together with a cover letter outlining your interest to [email protected] by 1 December. Please note that there will be 4 vice-chair positions to represent each working group. 

Agenda | Presentations | Photogallery | Highlight | Webcast | Recordings of the meeting | Report 

03 Dec 2021