الشراكة العالمية من أجل التربة

EuroGeoSurveys Workshop Geochemical Mapping of Agricultural and grazing land Soil in Europe (GEMAS)

Agenda (Iran room)

Organiser: EGS Geochemistry Expert Group
Supported:Eurometaux, FAO, GSP

Worshop aim

The workshop will show selected case studies demonstrating possible uses of the GEMAS data set. In addition, a twin-like project carried out by the USGS and covering the Conterminous United States will be presented, as well as preliminary results from a European Commission soil survey. Examples for the importance of scale and of the selection of the optimal sample density for a given purpose will also be highlighted.



Clean, productive agricultural soil is a vital European resource.

  • Is European agricultural soil of good quality?
  • Is there evidence for large-scale industrial contamination of European agricultural soil (diffuse pollution)?
  • Is there evidence of other anthropogenic impacts on European agricultural soil?
  • What are the levels of toxic or potentially harmful elements in European agricultural soil?
  • Are there element deficiencies in European soil?
  • How large is the natural variation of chemical elements in European soil?
  • Are there differences between European countries and, if so, what is the explanation?
  • Are geology and climate reflected in the spatial distribution of chemical elements in European soil?

These and similar questions will be answered using the results of the GEMAS project.

03 Dec 2013
- 03 Dec 2013
FAO HQ, Rome, Italy