الشراكة العالمية من أجل التربة

Pillar 5 Workshop

Harmonization of methods, measurements and indicators for the sustainable management and protection of soil resources

The Global Soil Partnership is composed of five pillars of action which activities will be implemented through individual Plans of Action. The first Plenary Assembly of the GSP tasked the GSP Secretariat to facilitate the development of Plans of Action in a very open, participatory and inclusive manner. To this end, the Secretariat has called for experts willing to voluntary contribute to this process by becoming members of working groups for each Pillar.  This process has been very dynamic and working groups were established accordingly.

This is also the case with Pillar 5 Harmonization of methods, measurements and indicators for the sustainable management and protection of soil resources” which aims at implementing harmonization process much needed to support the effective promotion of sustainable soil management.

The aim of this workshop is to discuss about the scope of the plan of action and the main areas of harmonization that much required to support the implementation of other pillar activities and especially the overall goal of the GSP that is the promotion of sustainable soil management at all levels.

Participants of this workshop are expected to actively contribute in the review and finalization of a draft plan of action that will then be submitted for the review and consideration of the Intergovernmental technical Panel on Soils and the Plenary Assembly.

Interested participants are invited to confirm their participation to: [email protected]  

18 Feb 2014
- 19 Feb 2014
FAO Headquarters in Rome