الشراكة العالمية من أجل التربة

Third Asian Soil Partnership Workshop: Towards a Regional Implementation Plan for Asia

The Asian Soil Partnership (ASP) was established during the inception workshop organized in Nanjing, China, in 2012. Since then and as per the conclusion of the second workshop held in 2015, efforts have been made to develop the regional implementation plan and substantial activities in relation to capacity development have been implemented.

The “Third Asian Soil Partnership Workshop: Towards a regional implementation plan for Asia” was held in Bangkok, Thailand from 14 to 16 December 2016. The objectives of this Asian Soil Partnership workshop were: (i) to endorse the regional implementation plan for Asia; (ii) to plan the execution of core activities in the plan; and (iii) to consolidate the Asian Soil Partnership by running the first meeting of the Steering Committee and introducing national focal points to the Chair and Secretariat for the region. 

Core activities such as the implementation of the Soil Doctor Programme, the compilation of a Soil Atlas for Asia, Soil Organic Carbon mapping, the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management and the implementation of SEALNET in the region were discussed for immediate execution. These and other activities in the regional implementation plan are in line with those in the global implementation plans of the GSP and with the work of the International Network of Soil Information Institutions (INSII).

On 16 December, the ASP Implementation Plan was endorsed. See also related documents:

Agenda List of Participants | Report | Speeches | Presentations  | Photo gallery


14 Dec 2016
- 16 Dec 2016
Bangkok, Thailand