Global Soil Partnership

Third African Soil Partnership workshop | Global Soil Partnership Plenary Assembly

Regional Soil Partnerships (RSPs) were established among interested and active stakeholders of the same regions. These RSPs are working in close collaboration with FAO Regional Offices and establishing an interactive consultative process with national soil entities (soil survey institutions, soil management institutions, soil research institutions and soil scientists working in land resources, climate change and biodiversity institutions/programmes, etc), as well as with regional soil science societies and other relevant regional mechanisms under the various related conventions. Regional Soil Partnerships build on existing regional networks or collaborative processes and provide guidance on regional goals/ priorities and their required implementation mechanisms and should regularly review progress in reaching common objectives and targets.

The African Soil Partnership (AfSP) is composed of the Sub-Saharan countries. African soils are very diverse and have great potential and value for food security and overall sustainable development. However, soil degradation is a serious process that is threatening the region’s soil resources through its various forms and thus is affecting economic development, particularly agricultural production and associated food and nutrition security, provision of ecosystem services and increasing poverty. 

The African soil partnership will meet for its fourth session at FAO headquarters as a side event to the Global Soil Partnership Plenary Assembly that is taking place from 11 to 13 June in Rome.

GSP plenary assembly webpage

Agenda | ReportPresentations | Photo gallery

Launch of Afrisoils: highlight & presentation

13 Jun 2018
- 08 Jun 2018
FAO HQ| Rome, Italy