Soil webinar in the LAC region
The webinar "Technical and financial tools for valuing the productive and environmental potential of soils in Latin America and the Caribbean" will be held in a virtual format on 4-8-9 June 2021.

The objective of this event is to present the tools developed by the Global Soil Partnership in support of country activities for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
The event will be jointly presented by the FAO regional office in Latin America and the Caribbean and by the members of the GSP in the region and is addressed to the members and partners of the GSP, to the FAO national offices, as well as all actors of the environmental and productive sector in the region.
Webinar thematic sessions:
- June 4: Soils and climate change, program for the recarbonization of global soils - RECSOIL
- June 8: Measurement of indicators of sustainable soil management.
- June 9: Soil Doctors Program in Latin America and the Caribbean
Translations in EN and ES will be available
04 Jun 2021
- 09 Jun 2021