Global Soil Partnership

Webinar on the implementation of the standard operating procedure for soil electrical conductivity (soil/water, 1:5)

14 December 2021 | 10:00 AM GMT+1 - Language: English

Guest speakers

Riham Zahalan (General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research - GCSAR, Syria); Muhammad Manhal Al-Zoubi (Natural Resources Research Administration - ANRR Syria); Bergil Bernaldo, Gina P. Nilo, Neil Ivan Baribe, Florfina Sanchez (Laboratory Services Division of the Bureau of Soils and Water Management - BSWM, Philippines)


This webinar presents how to measure soil electrical conductivity (soil/water, 1:5), following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) harmonized by GLOSOLAN in 2021. The lecturers will provide an insight of the procedure, describing each step of the measurement, from sample preparation to quality assurance and control, focusing also on the health and safety measures. Participants will have the chance to raise questions and directly interact with the speakers in a Q&A session at the end of the presentation.

More information herePresentation 

14 Dec 2021