Alianza Mundial por el Suelo

6th GSP Plenary Assembly

Agenda: English 



The Global Soil Partnership Plenary Assembly (PA) constitutes the main venue where all GSP partners come together to make important decisions about the global soil agenda. The 6th PA of the Global Soil Partnership will take place at FAO headquarters in Rome from 11 to 13 June 2018.

In accordance with the GSP Rules of Procedure, the official documents for each item of the provisional agenda will be made available by 11 May on the GSP Website. Any request for inclusion or modification of items on the Provisional Agenda should be sent to: [email protected] by 11 May 2018. 

The Organization invite participants to register to the 6th Plenary Assembly meeting by 25 May 2018. Please note that the online registration requires the uploading of a recent passport-size digital photograph.

Agenda: English | French | Spanish
11 Jun 2018
- 13 Jun 2018
FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy