Alianza Mundial por el Suelo

Online training on digital soil mapping

Towards the development of national soil salinity maps

101 participants from 17 pacific countries are currently participating in an online training on digital soil mapping. 

This capacity development initiative is supported by a comprehensive capacity development programme which supports member countries to produce their national datasets. A capacity building toolkit has been prepared which outline input data requirements, data preparation, and soil information products to contribute to the global update of salt-affected soils. GSP is using this toolkit to support national experts to produce soil information for evidence-based decision making. The toolkit includes the following:

  1. Country guidelines 
  2. Lesson 1: Requirements for capacity building
  3. Lesson 2: Data preparation and software installation 
  4. Lesson 3: Spatial modelling of soil properties 
  5. Lesson 4: Spatial modelling of salt-affected soils 
  6. Technical manual 
  7. QGIS (GIS Software)
  8. ILWIS (GIS Database)
  9. R (Modelling and computing software)

The capacity development effort aims at: (1) building consistent and updated national and regional soil information systems to contribute to Global Soil Information System (GloSIS); (2) Share and transfer soil knowledge and new technology within and beyond the region; (3) Provide soil information to all those with interest in sustainable soil and land management; and (4) train a new generation of experts in soil science, digital soil mapping and sustainable soil management.

04 May 2020
- 22 May 2020
Online training | Pacific countries