Alianza Mundial por el Suelo

Global Soil Biodiversity conference | NETSOB Workshop | Dublin - March 2023

In the framework of the 2023 Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, the FAO’s Global Soil Partnership will present the work of NETSOB and the plans for GLOSOB to academia, policymakers, land users and private sector and will attract interested parties to contribute to the sustainable use and management of soil biodiversity.

The objective of the workshop is to introduce the International Network on Soil Biodiversity, NETSOB, and the Global Soil Biodiversity Observatory, GLOSOB, to the scientific community and other relevant stakeholders. With this workshop, it is intended to increase the visibility of FAO/GSP activities and to attract new stakeholders to contribute their experiences to the advancement of NETSOB activities related to soil biodiversity monitoring, sustainable use, economics, and policy, at national, regional, and global scales.

In addition, a fruitful discussion is expected among all participants on the scope, challenges and opportunities posed by the implementation of the Global Soil Biodiversity Observatory and strategies for cooperation with the different existing initiatives. It is also expected to address in the open discussion how to improve the alignment of the NETSOB work plan with the conclusions and objectives of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and the plan of action 2020-2030 for the International Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Soil Biodiversity.

Scientists, researchers, international organizations, institutions, policymakers, and any other relevant stakeholders interested in contributing to the knowledge on soil biodiversity and its value for sustainable soil and land management are invited to attend the workshop which is being held at the 3rd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference on the 14 March 2023

Agenda  |  More on NETSOB | Presentations  |  Photos |  Read the article

14 Mar 2023
- 14 Mar 2023
Dublin, Ireland