Partenariat mondial sur les sols

Inception workshop of the project 'Capacity development on sustainable soil management - Africa': RWANDA

(GCP /RWA/040/CPR)
Thursday 28th January 2021
9:00 – 10:40 am (Rome Time – CET) 


In Eastern Africa, agriculture is one of the most important sectors. Soil fertility in this region is declining at an alarming rate due to unsustainable practices that lead to the degradation of soil properties. Current soil fertility management practices used by smallholders seem inadequate to counter the outflow of nutrients. As the population is increasing, this poses a great challenge for policy makers to address the declining soil fertility trend in the region. Many factors lead to the low adoption of fertilizer use in the region. One of these factors is the inadequacy of fertilizer recommendations. Current fertilizer recommendations need to be revised taking into account the status of soil fertility, cropping systems, plant nutrients requirements and the economic aspects of fertilizer inputs.

The objective of the project is to develop capacities on Sustainable Soil Management (SSM) in Rwanda through South-South cooperation, within the framework of the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) and the International Code of Conduct for Sustainable Use and Management of Fertilizers (the Fertilizer Code). A particular focus will be given to balanced fertilization. The implementation of this project will benefit the Rwandan population by improving soil health, which will directly contribute to the achievement of food security within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


9:00 - 9:20 | OPENING REMARKS

  • Mr. Gualbert Gbehounou, FAO Representative Rw anda
  • Mr. Jinbiao Wang, Senior P rogramme Officer , South South and Triangular Cooperation (PST), FAO
  • Dr.    Patrick    Karangwa,   Director   General,  Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board, Republic of Rwanda
  • Mr. Jiaxin Wang ( Hudson), Economic and Commercial counselor of Chinese Embassy to Rwanda

9:20 - 9:50 | PRESENTATIONS


  • Mr. Ronald Vargas, Secretary, Global Soil Partnership, FAO
  • Dr. Pascal Rushemuka, Project focal point, Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board, Republic of Rwanda
  • Dr. Sylvere Sirikare, Head of soil and plant laboratory, Rw anda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board, Republic of Rwanda
  • Dr. Jules Rutebuka, Project coordinator, Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board, Republic of Rwanda

10:30 - 10:40 | CONCLUSION,

  • Dr. Charles Bucagu,Deputy Director General, Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board, Republic of Rwanda
  • Mr. Gualbert Gbehounou, Rwanda FAO Representative

Moderator: Mr. Otto Muhinda, Assistant FAOR, FAO Rwanda


28 Jan 2021