Partenariat mondial sur les sols

8th European Soil Partnership Plenary Meeting

24 JUNE 2021    10:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 17:00 (Zoom meeting)

Chair: Rainer Baritz, EEA

Secretariat: Marc Van Liedekerke, European Commission – Joint Research Centre

Topics under discussion:

  • GSP ongoing products, requests by the GSP Secretariat, ITPS, sub-regional soil partnerships of the ESP
  • Soil Governance: FAO: Committee of Agriculture, FAO Council, (open-ended) Working Groups, FAO Europe Region Group (ERG), EU-Council (AGRIFISH): Coordinating Working Party
  • GSP: Chair and Co-chair, Secretariat, Pillars and working groups, action areas, ITPS, other working groups or writing teams (specific topics cross-Pillar, or related to global symposia), new: GSP-Steering Committee
  • Other: EU Expert Group on Soil Protection and EIONET National Reference Centres Soil, as well as various working groups with soil expertise related to reporting under various policies (national, EU, global)
  • Implications of the global agenda with relevance to soils, for Europe: ITPS, global symposia, GSP products, relevant global policies and synergies, implications of the EU policy agenda
  • Agenda of the GSP Plenary, its implications, (national) position finding
  • Make ESP operational: GSP Secretariat and web platform; National Focal Point representative in the ESP-SC 

Input documents:

Details of the event | Agenda | Presentations | Report

24 Jun 2021
- 24 Jun 2021