
Soil for sustainable food production and ecosystem services

The main aim of the conference is to draw further attention to soil protection. Currently, regulations on soils are significantly lacking regarding the balance of soil-air-water. Existing European Union policies (e.g. agriculture, water, waste, industrial pollution prevention policies) help somewhat in protecting soils, but they do not go far enough towards ensuring the sustainability of European soils.

Therefore, there has been further need for a wide-ranging discussion on the condition of soils in order to ensure their preservation. In addition, the International Union of Soil Sciences has announced the International Decade of Soils (2015-2024), which sets the planned Presidency conference in 2017 within a wider context. 

The conference will consist of presentations and discussions of high level policy makers, experts in this field together with officials from different international organisations. In addition, there will be a soil related study tour included in the conference agenda.

There will be a live stream of the event. Videos related to the event are available on our videos page and photos of events can be accessed on our photos page or on our Flickr account.

04 Oct 2017
- 06 Oct 2017
Tallinn, Estonia