
International Conference on Managing Soils for Food Security and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

Agriculture is important for food security in two ways: it produces the food people eat; and it provides the primary source of livelihood for 36% of the world’s total workforce. In the heavily populated countries of Asia and the Pacific, this share ranges from 40-50% and in sub-Saharan Africa, 67% of the working population still make their living from agriculture. The focus of this symposium is to highlight the importance of soil management in enhancing food security within the context of climate change. Climate change can impact directly on food security through food system stability. 

The objective of this International Symposium is to communicate exciting scientific and technological developments, to identify current gaps in knowledge and to discuss ways in which soils can be better managed to meet the challenge of protecting food security through the dual approach of climate change adaptation and mitigation.


23 Jul 2012
- 27 Jul 2012
Vienna, Austria