
Training “Digital Soil Organic Carbon Mapping: towards the development of national soil organic carbon stock maps”

In order to support countries to develop national SOC maps, the GSP together with the Soil and Fertilizer Society of Thailand and the Land Development Department of Thailand is organizing a regional on-the-job training.

The 25th Committee of Agriculture - COAG (FAO, Rome, 26-30 September 2016) and the 155th FAO Council (5-9 December 2016), assigned to the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) of FAO the task to establish the Global Soil Information System and prepare the Global Soil Organic Carbon Map (GSOC) by 2017.

The GSOC map will be developed using a distributed approach which will strongly rely on country inputs to build a global map from national soil organic carbon (SOC) maps. To this end, countries are invited to develop national SOC maps according to predetermined specifications developed by FAO. This will also allow countries to develop nationally important products in order to report on SDG 15.3.1 on land degradation.

The development of national SOC maps was included in the implementation plan for the Asian region, which was ultimately endorsed at the Third Asian Soil Partnership meeting (Bangkok, 14-16 December 2016). For the purpose of supporting countries in developing the national SOC maps, the GSP together with the Soil and Fertilizer Society of Thailand and the Land Development Department of Thailand decided to organize a regional on-the-job training. The working language of the training will be English.

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Related link: Global Soil Organic Carbon (GSOC) Map

24 Apr 2017
- 29 Apr 2017
Bangkok, Thailand