
Training “Digital Soil Organic Carbon Mapping: towards the development of national soil organic carbon stock maps”

Global Soil Partnership and ISRIC – World Soil Information hosted a training session in Wageningen (6  to 23 June 2017). Participants from 15 countries (Bolivia, Egypt, Costa Rica, Cuba, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Paraguay, Tanzania, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Zambia) have prepared SOC maps for their country using national data sets and digital soil mapping. Ultimately, these contributions will be merged in to the GSOC map product by the GSP.

Recently, the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) and its Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS) launched a global endeavor to develop a Global Soil Organic Carbon map (GSOCMap) by the end of 2017, in support of the Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 15.3.1. The GSOCMap will be compiled from soil organic carbon maps developed at national level using nationally available data.

The FAO/GSP is funding a 3-week training session, co-organized and co-funded in kind by ISRIC – World Soil Information, in support of 16 countries to develop national soil organic carbon (SOC) stock maps in contribution to the GSOCMap initiative. This training will be hosted by ISRIC from 6-23 June 2017 at the ISRIC facilities in Wageningen, The Netherlands.

The TEACHING MODULES were divided as follow:

1. Soil Carbon Benefits

2. Essentials of R

3. Introduction to DSM

4. Data Preparation

5. Basc Geostatistics, geostats flipover notes

6. Geomatching

7. Regression Modelling

8. Uncertainty

9. Validation


  1. Bolivia
  2. Costa Rica
  3. Cuba
  4. DRC
  5. Egypt
  6. Iraq
  7. Kazakhstan
  8. Mongolia
  9. Mozambique
  10. Nigeria
  11. Paraguay
  12. Ukraine
  13. Uzbekistan
  14. Tanzania
  15. Tunisia
  16. Zambia
  1. Bolivia : UTM 20  south
  2. Costa Rica : UTM 17  north
  3. Cuba : UTM 18  north
  4. DRC : UTM 35  north
  5. Egypt : UTM 36  north
  6. Iraq : UTM 38  north
  7. Kazakhstan : UTM 42  north
  8. Mongolia : UTM 48  north
  9. Mozambique : UTM 36  south
  10. Nigeria : UTM 32  north
  11. Paraguay : UTM 21  south
  12. Tanzania : UTM 36  south
  13. Tunisia : UTM 32  north
  14. Ukraine : UTM 36  north
  15. Uzbekistan : UTM 41  north
  16. Zambia : UTM 35  south



RStudio 1.0.143

R 3.3.3


  1. Opening presentation (Rik van den Bosch, ISRIC)
  2. Opening presentation (Yusuf Yigini, FAO/GSP)
  3. Benefits of Soil Organic carbon - An overview (Niels H. Batjes, ISRIC) - Module 1
  4. Essentials of R (Bas Kempen, ISRIC) - Module 2
  5. Introduction to Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) (Bas Kempen, V.L Mulder, ISRIC) - Module 3
  6. Data preparation for DSM (Bas Kempen, V.L Mulder, ISRIC) - Module 4
  7. Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) mapping by geo- and class-matching (Bas Kempen, V.L Mulder, ISRIC) - Module 6
  8. Validation of (digital) soil maps (Bas Kempen, ISRIC) - Module 9

Presentations (VIDEO)


  1. GSOC mapping Guidelines
  2. SOC Cookbook
  3. Guidelines soil data preparation
  4. Guidelines for creating a regression matrix


06 Jun 2017
- 23 Jun 2017
Wageningen, The Netherlands