الشراكة العالمية من أجل التربة

يسلط الضوء على أرشفة

المدير العام لمنظمة الأغذية والزراعة يفتتح الندوة العالمية حول أنواع التربة المتأثرة بالملوحة من 20 إلى 22 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول


In order to strengthen the analytical capacity of soil laboratories worldwide, GLOSOLAN is organizing a series of training sessions. The first series focuses on soil spectroscopy to help countries to understand soil conditions, improve agricultural productivity and reverse land degradation. Six webinars on soil spectroscopy, led by leading scientists, are being held throughout this second half of 2021 to provide participants with the basics of the most advanced aspects of this topic. To enable all interested parties to take advantage of this unique learning opportunity, the FAO Global Soil Partnership is making video recordings of all webinars available free of charge on the GLOSOLAN website. 


Soils constitute the biggest carbon pool in terrestrial ecosystems and can have a significant contribution to climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration. However, the estimation and reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals, especially from mineral soils, is very limited. Currently, countries face significant challenges in reporting carbon stock changes and associated CO2 emissions from mineral soils even when using the basic methodological level (tier 1). This is true for a wide range of countries, both developed and developing.


In order to strengthen the analytical capacity of soil laboratories worldwide, GLOSOLAN is organizing a series of training sessions. The first series focuses on soil spectroscopy to help countries to understand soil conditions, improve agricultural productivity and reverse land degradation. Six webinars on soil spectroscopy, led by leading scientists, are being held throughout this second half of 2021 to provide participants with the basics of the most advanced aspects of this topic. To enable all interested parties to take advantage of this unique learning opportunity, the FAO Global Soil Partnership is making video recordings of all webinars available free of charge on the GLOSOLAN website. 


RemTech Europe, International Conference and Exhibition on land and water remediation markets and technologies, will be held on 20-24 September 2021. The first two days of the conference 20-21 September will be fully digital, and broadcasted in streaming. The other three days 22-24 September will be hybrid. The conference will be fully in English and participation is free of charge.

The annual RemTech Europe conference will take a snapshot of the European market and the development trends. The aim of the Conference is: (1) to share information on knowledge, innovation and case histories, (2) to encourage the development of remediation processes and the application of new and sustainable technologies, and (3) to bring together experts, problem owners and suppliers of available services and technologies. RemTech Europe also provides a platform for discussion between stakeholders.  
