الشراكة العالمية من أجل التربة

Call for projects in the Eurasian region

The FAO’s Global Soil Partnership and the Eurasian Soil Partnership (EASP), in collaboration with the Eurasian Center for Food Security (ECFS), are pleased to announce two calls for research and implementation projects. 



Eurasian region characterizes for having salt-affected soils in most countries, putting at risk food security and the achievement of the 2030 sustainable agenda in the region. Some Eurasian countries, such as Ukraine, Moldova and Kazakhstan, are rich in high-organic carbon black soils. In contrast, many soils in South Caucasus and Central Asia have low soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, which is reducing due to intensive management of soils and to climate warming. SOC is a key element of soil health because it regulates many soil functions and plays a key role in climate change adaptation and mitigation. Due to the importance of soil salinity and soil organic carbon in Eurasian soils, topics covering sustainable soil management practices to enhance and sequester SOC and to prevent and adapt to salinization will be considered for this call.

1 - Soil Research Projects

The objective of this initiative is to facilitate targeted research and partnerships between scientists and local/national beneficiaries that would form a stable basis for long-term collaborative engagement to scale up the implementation of sustainable soil management (SSM) practices to adapt to or to mitigate soil salinity and climate change. Proposals must focus on the assessment of soil salinity and sustainable soil management practices to reduce anthropogenic salinization and alkalinization; and sustainable soil management practices to retain and/or increase soil organic carbon with an emphasis in carbon rich black soils.

Details on the call | Download the application form

2 - Soil Salinity Mitigation and Adaptation Projects

The objective of this initiative is to establish pilot projects in the field in Central Asian countries to test the viability and usefulness of different soil management practices for the adaptation or mitigation of soil salinity in a sustainable manner. Applications should be focused on innovative agricultural practices to adapt to and mitigate soil salinization.

Details on the call | Download the application form

Applications will be accepted until 31st May 2019.

How to submit your proposal?

To receive full consideration, proposals shall be submitted in English and in accordance with the above guidelines using the template provided.

  • Individual proposals must be submitted under one thematic area only. More than one proposal by the same team or group may be submitted under different thematic areas.
  • This call is restricted to participants from EASP partner countries, namely: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
  • Proposals shall be submitted in MS Word or Adobe Acrobat format and shall be sent to the [email protected] by 31st May 2019 COB.

For further information, please contact us via email at [email protected]