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Contests for children on soil salinization: discover the winners!

"Soils are in the hands of future generations" - Laura Bertha Reyes Sanchez, IUSS President 

In the framework of the World Soil Day 2021 campaign "Halt soil salinization, boost soil productivity". FAO, IUSS and GSP launched two contests: A scientific booklet contest for children and a kids2kids poster drawing contest, both on soil salinization. These initiatives aimed to promote scientific knowledge, raise awareness of the urgency of protecting soil; and stimulate educational activities, engagement and participation of youngsters on soils.



Soil scientists, research institutions, soil science societies, academia, colleges and universities, designers, and creatives people from around the world joined efforts to prepare short educationak supports for young people.

📖 The winner of the scientific booklet contest for children on soil salinization is:

🏆🏆🏆"The Beetles: a Salty Soil Journey" by Teresa Porter, Franco López Campomane, Lewis Fausak from University of British Columbia, Canada

Second classified: "Earth's Extraordinary Soil for All Living Organisms. Learning, thinking and acting!" by Marcela Bianchessi da Cunha Santino, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil:

Third classified:"Why can't crops be grown in the fields?" by Song Zikang, China University of Geosciences, People's Republic of China

Discover the best entries received here 👉 https://www.fao.org/world-soil-day/booklet-contest/en/

Well-wishings to the winners and finalists and a heartfelt thank you to all participants for the truly amazing entries!


Children from salt-affected areas have used their creativity to illustrate how soil salinization and sodification impact on their daily lives and environment!


📝Go through the Kids2kids posters drawing contest page and vote for your favourites on Facebook! 

You can find below the direct links for voting among the five finalists of each category.

Finalists of CATEGORY A, 5-10 years oldhttps://www.facebook.com/globalsoilpartnership/posts/1843902605810834

Finalists of CATEGORY B, 10-14 years old: https://www.facebook.com/globalsoilpartnership/posts/1843902919144136

A Mention of Honour goes to Mr Shen-Yen Huang, an artist from Taipei who engages children in the creation of amazing artworks in collaboration with several teachers. This year they took FAO's GSP World Soil Day as a theme course. 

***The voting opened today, 3 December 2021 at 10 AM CET and will close at 6 PM CET on 5 December 2021. The winners will be announced on the GSP's Facebook page on the same date to celebrate together World Soil Day!

Good luck to the 10 finalists and a big thank you to all children who took the time to participate into this contest!

THE WINNERS FOR CATEGORY A ARE... Kanshika and Sashini Manikandan, Water Alliance, United Arab Emirates! Congratulations!

THE WINNER FOR CATEGORY B IS... Bhakti Venkatesh Hegde, Water Alliance, United Arab Emirates! Congratulations!