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NEW RELEASE! Proceedings of the Global Symposium on Soils for Nutrition

The Proceedings of the Global Symposium on Soils for Nutrition, held from 26 to 29 July 2022, have been released, showcasing innovative research and valuable insights into the global issue of nutrient imbalance. This symposium, which attracted experts from various sectors, shed light on the multifactorial drivers and far-reaching effects of this critical challenge on agricultural systems and planetary processes.



The papers presented in the book of proceedings delve into the latest research findings, providing a comprehensive overview of the intricate relationship between soils and nutrition. This compilation of knowledge serves as a vital resource for policymakers, researchers, and practitioners working towards sustainable solutions to address nutrient imbalances and their impact on food production and environmental well-being.

The Global Symposium on Soils for Nutrition, organized by FAO and its Global Soil Partnership, emphasized the urgent need to address the complex interaction between soil health and nutrition. Soil, as the foundation of agriculture, plays a crucial role in ensuring the availability of essential nutrients for plant growth and human nutrition. However, various factors such as unsustainable soil management practices, climate change, and intensive farming practices have led to a decline in soil fertility and nutrient content.

The symposium brought together experts from diverse fields, including agriculture, nutrition, environment, and public health, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration. Participants discussed innovative approaches to enhance soil fertility, optimize nutrient management, and promote sustainable agricultural practices that ensure nutritious food production while preserving the environment.

The research papers presented during the symposium highlighted the need for context-specific interventions that take into account the unique challenges faced by different regions and communities. Strategies such as precision agriculture, organic farming practices, and integrated soil fertility management were discussed as potential solutions to restore soil health, improve nutrient content, and enhance food security.

The release of the Proceedings of the Global Symposium on Soils for Nutrition marks a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to combat nutrient imbalances and promote sustainable food systems. The publication serves as a valuable repository of knowledge, providing a roadmap for policymakers and stakeholders to develop evidence-based interventions and policies that prioritize soil health and nutrition.

A few weeks ago, the "Outcome document of the Global Symposium on soils for nutrition" was also released with the objective to support the implementation of actions and development of policies towards healthy and fertile soils by 2030, allowing the sustainable production of more nutritious and safer food with a climatic and environmentally friendly approach.