Global Soil Partnership

Two major meetings coming up: INSII third workshop and launch of the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN)

Third Workshop of the International Network of Soil Information Institutions (INSII)

31 October - 1 November 2017, FAO HQ 




Under the framework of Pillars 4 and 5 of the GSP and related endorsed Plans of Action, the International Network of Soil Information Institutions (INSII) will hold its third meeting on 31 October - 1 November 2017, at FAO headquarters in Rome. The INSII is a heterogeneous group composed by institutions working on soil information in FAO member countries. They are meant to provide expertise, and facilitate soil data/information sharing, and other forms of technical support based on agreed technical specifications and standards towards the successful establishment and performance of the Global Soil Information System (GLOSIS) and its associated products of global interest such as the Global Soil Organic Carbon map (GSOCmap) and SoilSTAT.

During the meeting, discussions will mainly focus on the completion of the GSOCmap, which will be launched on 5 December 2017 on the occasion of World Soil Day 2017.

Besides, the following activities have been prioritized on the agenda:

  • Execution of the Pillar 4 Implementation Plan towards the implementation of  GLOSIS, detailed planning on the spatial data infrastructure and SoilSTAT;
  • Quality Assessment and Quality Control of national GSOCmap products;
  • Progress of Pillar 5 related to GLOSIS.

The last item on the agenda links to the subsequent meeting: The launch of the Global Soil Laboratory Network

For more information on INSII’s progress to date, the outcomes of the first and second INSII workshops can be consulted.

Related Event | Draft Agenda 

Launch of the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN)

1 - 2 November 2017, FAO HQ

Following the 5th GSP Plenary Assembly’s endorsement of the GSP Pillar 5 Global Implementation Plan, one of the first implementation activities is the establishment of the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) to take place on 1 – 2 November 2017 at FAO headquarters in Rome. Designed for laboratory researchers and staff to exchange resources, knowledge and experience, this network will be composed of national soil reference laboratories. The goal of GLOSOLAN is to strengthen the performance of laboratories in support of the harmonization of soil data sets and information towards the development of standards. Indeed, the harmonization of soil analysis is a critical component of making soil information comparable and interpretable across laboratories, countries and regions.

Thanks to this network laboratory personnel will be able to give and receive advice and access to training and information on soil analyses, methodologies and laboratory practices.

By enhancing networking and exchanges between different types of laboratories globally, working in all types of settings and across very diverse areas, GLOSOLAN aims to enable equitable access to quality research resources and to promote the application of broadly available ISO standards.

Mechanisms strengthening laboratory networks will include:

  • Improved quality assurance through implementation of validated existing, improved and new standard laboratory procedures;
  • Provision of training for laboratory personnel through the institution of reference laboratories;
  • Promotion of national self-sufficiency and sustainability of laboratory services; 

During this meeting, experiences with harmonization, monitoring programmes and cooperation between laboratories and existing networks shall be shared and discussed, also within existing networks. Indeed, the implementation of this initiative builds on long-term experiences with regional laboratory networks which are already in place, such as through the South-East Asia Laboratory Network (SEALNET). The meeting will pave the way to establishing the GLOSOLAN Terms of Reference and agreeing upon a work plan for the network.

Related event | Draft Agenda