Global Soil Partnership

Booth 22 Stampede - Huge interest for GSP publications at #21WCSS

1.5 tonnes of publications, communication and promotional material run out in few hours from the official opening



At the 21st World Congress of Soil Science, the world´s largest scientific meeting in the field of soil science, the Global Soil Partnership's Booth 22 received huge appreciation with over 5,000 visitors from the soil community between August 12nd and 13th. The Global Soil Partnership multinational team took the opportunity to promote its publications and communication materials, its well-recognized brand and, at the same time, the company’s supported vision:´Sustainable Soil Management for All'.

****Impressive demonstrations. Along with the highly appreciated presentation of the various communication material addressing the threatening soil degradation process that is currently affecting livelihoods and the natural resource base, the GSP publications and case studies drew really big crowds. The Booth 22 was used to provide an informative introduction to GSP work and to demonstrate live just how scientific developments and advocacy activities can go hand in hand. It proved to be a must-see for every visitor.   

Positive reactions. For the occasion, the GSP graphic designer and artist Matteo Sala pimped out GSP most recent products and activities with unique decorations on the panels of the booth, which generated lots of positive feedback. The evening event on Sunday attracted over 2000 students, scientists, politicians, country representatives, partners, business relations and suppliers. The GSP considers the exhibit to have been a highly successful event.

The Global Soil Partnership. Over the past seven years the GSP worked hard to develop a long-term platform for FAO member countries and partners capable of increasing cooperation and enhancing collaboration and synergy of efforts between different stakeholders. The overall goal of the GSP is to improve soil governance on our limited soil resources and promote sustainable soil management in all land uses and in all regions of the world by supporting soil key ecosystem services. The GSP represents not only a crucial actor in the defense of our global soil resources but also a very successful FAO business case. Key achievements such as the Global Symposium on Soil Pollution (GSOP18), Global Soil Information System (GLOSIS), the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) – to mention just few examples - demonstrate that the GSP was needed to fill an existing gap in the promotion of Sustainable Soil Management for the future of all.

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