Global Soil Partnership

PUBLICATION LAUNCH! From soil to plate: the Importance of sustainable soil management for nutrition

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new publication "Technical Guidelines on soils for nutrition" This document is the result of a scoping review of existing literature and the empirical evidence gathered under the Soils for Nutrition project, which was funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany (BMEL).



The Soils for Nutrition project explored the linkages between soil health, crop micronutrient content, and human nutrition in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, and Malawi. The project tested the efficacy of sustainable soil management practices in increasing the micronutrient contents of crops, through conservation agriculture, crop diversification, integrated fertilization, and agronomic biofortification.

The objectives of these technical guidelines are to present the role of soil health and sustainable soil management in the nutritional quality of locally produced food and to generate management recommendations aimed at an increased input of micronutrients to the food chain and an improvement in human nutrition. This document is addressed to all stakeholders involved in food security and nutrition, from farmers to policymakers, to engage them in sustainable soil management for nutrition-sensitive agriculture.