Global Soil Partnership

Global Symposium on Soils and Water draws to a successful close

The four days of the Global Symposium on Soils and Water have been packed with remarkable discussions and presentations. FAO and its Global Soil Partnership are grateful for the active participation of over 2,000 participants.


Here's a quick summary of what was covered over the 4 days:

  • A high-level opening session that set the stage for our symposium.
  • An enlightening plenary session featuring four eminent keynote speakers, each a leading authority in the field of soils and water.
  • Keynote presentations and interactive discussions on the four symposium themes: Rainfed agriculture,  Irrigated agriculture,  #OneHealth, and Management and governance.
  • An extensive 6-hour exploration of technical sessions on soils and water.

The opening session was graced by the presence of five distinguished guests, and we were honored to host four renowned keynote speakers who shared their expertise and insights.

If you missed any of these sessions or wish to revisit the content, you can access the presentations and recordings from the first three days using the following links:

But the conversation doesn't end here! We are now all getting ready for a fabulous World Soil Day. The discussion on Soil and Water will continue on World Soil Day 2023, and we invite all to pin their events on the map. It's an opportunity to keep the momentum going and further our collective understanding of the crucial role soils and water play in sustaining life on our planet.