Second working session of the ITPS
Since its establishment, the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS) has played a fundamental role in positioning soils on the global agenda through sound science.
During the first working session (July 2013), a number of crucial commitments were agreed upon by the ITPS, demanding an active contribution and follow up by its members and the Secretariat. To that end, the Secretariat organized the second working session of the ITPS which took place from 7 to 11 April 2014, at FAO Headquarters in Rome.
This session contained a particular heavy agenda that was fully covered by ITPS members. The main items were: review and endorsement of Plans of Action for Pillars 1, 2, 3 and 5; progress review about Soils and the Sustainable Development Goals and Post2015 Agenda; the state and way forward of the “Status of World Soil Resources Report”; report on the status and way forward of the World Soil Charter; status of collaboration between ITPS and IPBES, IPCC and the SPI of UNCCD; report on the preparation for the International Year of Soils 2015 and the status of Regional Soil Partnerships.
After a very intensive session, ITPS members endorsed Pillars 1, 2 and 5 plans of action and requested the Pillar 3 Plan of Action to be reformulated upon an agreed framework. A new version of the World Soil Charter was endorsed and will be submitted to the upcoming GSP Plenary Assembly for their endorsement. The way forward for the preparation of the “Status of World Soil Resources Report” was agreed upon. ITPS members committed to play an active role during the implementation of the International Year of Soils 2015, and also during the implementation of regional activities.
ITPS members committed also to further contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals process and to the different global initiatives and panels where soils play a role.