Alianza Mundial por el Suelo

The Global Symposium on Soil Erosion - GSER19

The Global Symposium on Soil Erosion (GSER19) will be a high level science-policy meeting, held  from 15 – 17 May 2019, at FAO HQ in Rome, Italy. This Symposium is jointly organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and its Global Soil Partnership (GSP), the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Science-Policy Interface (UNCCD-SPI) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).



Soil erosion represents one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time, decreasing agricultural productivity, degrading crucial ecosystem functions, amplifying hydrogeological risk and, in severe cases, leading to the displacement of populations. 
Starting from the latest scientific knowledge on the status of interventions and innovations related to soil erosion management and existing assessment frameworks, the Symposium addresses soil erosion prevention, control and contrast, for increased food security and ecosystem services in view of the achievement of the SDGs 13, 2, 3, 6, 15. It represents a common platform for the elaboration of policy responses and investment strategies at national and international level.  Download the concept note.


Registration will be open until May, 8 2019. Participants may include representatives from FAO, UNCCD-SPI and IAEA country parties, scientists, practitioners, presenters, economists, policy makers, private businesses, research  institutes, NGOs, civil society, farmers associations, and land users. Please, note that participation in the Symposium is free.

Call for extended abstract

Abstract submission

The Organizing Committee of GSER19 is currently accepting abstracts that will compete for oral and poster presentations.
The extended abstracts shall be written in English, maximum 2000 words in Word format

Abstracts should address one of the following Symposium themes:

THEME 1 | Use of data and assessment tools in soil erosion control
THEME 2  | Policy in action to address soil erosion
THEME 3 | The economics of soil erosion control and restoration of eroded land

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Guidelines for authors

All extended abstracts must be submitted in the prescribed format (Template) and emailed to [email protected], indicating ''Call for extended abstracts/Your full name/Preferred Theme'' in the subject line. They will be assessed by the GSER18 Scientific Committee, composed of representatives from the co-organizing organizations as well as  leading experts.

The deadline for abstract submission is 10 March 2019. Authors will be notified regarding their abstract submission by 31 March 2019 and details for oral and poster presentations will be provided. 

Download the Template

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