Partenariat mondial sur les sols

Updates from the second meeting of the Latin American Network of Soil Laboratories

The Latin American Network of Soil Laboratories (LATSOLAN) acts at regional level with the objective of facilitating knowledge exchange between national reference soil laboratories, supporting the harmonization of soil data and information. Its 2nd meeting was organized by the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) in coordination with the Mexican Carbon Program (PMC) and the College of Postgraduates (COLPOS) - Campus Montecillo and Villahermosa - attended by 36 participants from 17 countries and review the 2019 work plan. 



The 2nd meeting of LATSOLAN, took place in Mexico City from 12 to 14 of March 2019. The main objectives of the meeting were: (1) to review the work done by the laboratories; national reference in LATSOLAN since its launch; (2) to analyse the results of the first performance exercise (ring test); (3) laying the foundations for participation in the global ring test; (4) review standard operating procedures (SOPs); (5) agree the work plan for 2019; (6) define LATSOLAN's position vis-à-vis GLOSOLAN; and (7) review issues of interest from the Network at regional and global level.

Twenty laboratories from 16 countries carried out the first regional ring test, whose execution was agreed on during the 1st LATSOLAN meeting. The results obtained by the participating laboratories were generally satisfactory and the Reference Laboratory of Mexico (COLPOS) was devided to serve as main intermediary for the next global ring test as it will provide samples that can be sent to all regions of the world. LATSOLAN also defined the participation to the global ring test for 2019.

Important issues of internal quality control were discussed and the LATSOLAN's standard operating procedures (SOPs) were reviewed and approved. It was also agreed to strengthen national networks as well as the simultaneous launch of national networks (from more than 6 countries) on the occasion of World Soil Day (WSD) 2019.

Next meeting venue: Brazil.

Details of the event | Agenda | Highlight | Presentations | Report | Photo gallery