Глобальное почвенное партнерство

Launch of the Russian Soil Laboratory Network (RUSOLAN)

The Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) was established in 2017 to build and strengthen the capacity of laboratories in soil analysis and to respond to the need for harmonizing soil analytical data. Harmonization of methods, units, data and information is critical to (1) provide reliable and comparable information between countries and projects; (2) allow the generation of new harmonized soil data sets; and (3) support evidence-based decision making for sustainable soil management. 


Since its establishment, the network has been financially supported by PJSC PhosAgro, which is actively contributing to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals - 2030, including those related to sustainable soil management. In order to better downscale its activities and to adapt them to the local context, the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN)is structured into Regional and National Soil Laboratory Networks. National Soil Laboratory Networks represent the first level of GLOSOLAN pyramid and are established by grouping together soil laboratories operating in the same country, under the leadership of the National Reference Laboratory.

The Russian Soil Laboratory Network (RUSOLAN) was launched on April 29, 2022 through a virtual event attended by 66 stakeholders including laboratory managers and national soil experts. The event was opened by the director of the Institute of Biology of the Komi Science Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr Svetlana Degteva, the institute hosting the National Reference Laboratory of GLOSOLAN. In her speech, Dr. Degteva recalled the extensive experience and high level of specialists working at the national reference laboratory who also develop certified methodologies for chemical soil analyses. These techniques are in great demand among soil specialists countrywide. Ms. Lucrezia Caon from the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) of FAO, recalled the importance of establishing National Soil Laboratory Networks in the framework of downscaling the activities of the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) and to bring Russian laboratories’ needs and priorities to the attention of GLOSOLAN. This would allow GLOSOLAN and GSP/FAO to include and address these requests in their global and regional strategies and work plans.

The launch ceremony of RUSOLAN was opened also by the Director of the FAO Office for Liaison with the Russian Federation, Mr Oleg Kobyakov, the Deputy CEO on finance and international projects of PhosAgro, Mr. Alexander Sharabaiko, the Executive Secretary of the Eurasian Soil Partnership, Prof. Pavel Krasilnikov, and the President of the Dokuchaev Soil Science Society, Prof. Sergey Shoba.

Dr Elena Shamrikova, vice-chair of EUROSOLAN for Eurasia, and Dr Maria Konyushkova (GSP) moderated the event, which was in Russian with English interpretation. Representatives of the Russian laboratories registered in GLOSOLAN introduced themselves, their activities and accomplishments and upcoming/anticipated work plans, including National PTs, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Quality Control, Technical support activities and capacity building. Ultimately, they were introduced to RUSOLANs projected activities and were invited to spread the voice on RUSOLAN in order to motivate laboratories to join it and join efforts on the harmonization of soil laboratory data and methods of analysis at the national level.

As the result of governance voting procedure, Dr Elena Shamrikova from the Institute of Biology of Komi Science Center (Syktyvkar) was elected Chair of RUSOLAN and Dr Elena Pivovarova from the Altai State Agrarian University (Barnaul) was elected RUSOLAN vice-Chair.

Ms. Caon closed the event by thanking all participating institutions to the event for supporting the establishment of RUSOLAN and recalled the importance of national reference laboratories as well as GLOSOLAN's commitment to helping laboratories in Russia.

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