
Joint Actions for major impact in Latin America

According to the Status of World Soil Resources report, approximately 33% of global soils are degraded, 14% of which are located in Latin America and the Caribbean affecting 150 million people. 


This issue affects around 32% of arable land in Central America, resulting in considerable losses in crop productivity. With the aim to tackle these challenges, representatives from 15 countries of Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean countries met in Panama City, Panamá from 21 to 23 February 2018 to analyze the main achievements, contribute on the challenges of the Regional Soil Partnership, and strengthen its engagement in the implementation of their regional Plan. Among the top priorities for the biennium 2018-2019, crucial outcomes included the launch of the Latin American Soil Laboratory Network (LATSOLAN) in Texcoco, Mexico, 1 – 3 March 2018, in order to harmonize the analyzes of soil laboratories and make the information comparable and interpretable in all laboratories, countries and regions. the Soil Information System in Latin America (SISLAC), capacity-building trainings, and the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Soil Management at the national level. “Degradation is a serious problem which threatens soil resources and has political, economic and social effects, requiring a holistic approach to address it. All countries are concerned by food security, but this is impossible to reach if soils lose quality and if we do not maintain productivity” said Mr. Olegario Muñiz, re-elected President of the Regional Partnership for Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean.

Central America, Caribbean and Mexico Soil Partnership workshop, Feb. 2018 

Report | Presentations | Photogallery

Launch of the Latin American Network of Soil Laboratories, March 2018

Report | Presentations | Photogallery