Global Soil Partnership

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Monrovia - As 33% of the world’s soil is degraded, soil information for sustainable agriculture and land use planning are critical to ensuring the use of land resources does not harm the productivity and the health of the soil, but to contribute to a sustainable and food-secure world.


The second meeting of the International Network on salt-affected soils (INSAS) is taking place this week in Tashkent to address land degradation and build stronger linkages between science, policy, and farmers.

“The International Network on Salt-affected soils brings together 700 experts from 120 countries around the world,” said Maria Konyushkova, coordinator of the International Network on Salt-affected soils.

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The Recarbonization of Agricultural Soils (RECSOIL) initiative of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) has officially kicked off in Ecuador with the completion of the first training phase. The programme collaborates with local and national stakeholders to implement sustainable soil management (SSM) practices to improve soil conditions and increase soil carbon stocks. Ultimately, the RECSOIL goal is to mitigate and adapt to climate change, boost soil resilience to extreme weather events, increase farmers' livelihoods, and improve food security.


The online training soil testing and fertilizer recommendations will be held on Wednesday 17 May 2023, from 9 to 12AM GMT+2 CEST. It is an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in soil testing, and fertilizer recommendation. Participants will gain valuable knowledge on soil fertility and crop yields, thus contributing to a more sustainable future.



Agriculture plays a critical role in Uganda, where the majority of the population depends on it for their livelihoods. However, unsustainable soil management practices, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and fertilizer crisis, have led to soil degradation and declining crop production.
