Alianza Mundial por el Suelo

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The side event was held at FAO headquarters on 25 October  2024, focusing on the critical role of soil health in enhancing resilient, sustainable food systems. The event highlighted the need for collaboration, policy coherence, and innovative technologies in sustainable soil management, aligning with the goals of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) to strengthen global food security and nutrition through resilient agrifood systems.


Declining productivity of the Pacific:

Agriculture (including fisheries, marine products, forestry and primary forestry products) is the backbone of Pacific Island economies and a significant contributor to livelihoods. Roughly 50 to 70 percent of Pacific people depend on agriculture, fisheries or associated activities for their livelihoods (FAO, 2023). Agriculture production, however, has been steadily declining across the region for decades, affected by production inefficiencies, a general lack of investment from private and public sectors, the loss of productive labour to urban centres, and the emergence of other industries (FAO, 2023). Furthermore, unsustainable forest and land management practices, soil erosion, soil acidity and nutrient leaching have contributed to declining soil fertility. For instance, regions in Fiji used for sugar cane cultivation are grappling with nutrient imbalances and potential risks of soil pollution due to the proximity of mining to agricultural soils and increased use of agricultural inputs from synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, severely impacting productivity.

These challenges are compounded by a lack of reliable, up to date soil baseline data, the lack of training provided to soil laboratory technicians, and the limited capacity to assess soil health accurately. Soil degradation is worsened by climate change, population pressures, and unsustainable farming practices. It requires an integrated response that addresses immediate risks and soil resources’ long term sustainability. Current erosion rates of around 50 tonnes per hectare annually in countries like Fiji and Samoa highlight the urgency of action (FAO and ITPS, 2015).


The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is excited to invite **nominations for the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS)**. We are seeking renowned soil scientists and soil experts to contribute their expertise to this prestigious panel, guiding global efforts in soil health and sustainable soil management.


Argentina se ha convertido en el último punto de convergencia el programa Doctores de los Suelos de la Alianza Mundial por el Suelo (AMS), puesto en marcha en colaboración con el Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) y la Asociación Argentina de Productores en Siembra Directa (Aapresid). Esta iniciativa introduce un modelo de formación de agricultor a agricultor diseñado para difundir las técnicas de preservación de la salud del suelo entre las comunidades agrícolas de Argentina, fomentando una cultura de gestión sostenible de la tierra.


First FAO soil symposium outside headquarters attracts over 2 000 participants worldwide

Nanjing, China – The first-ever Global Symposium on Soil Information and Data hosted outside of the FAO headquarters took place from 25 to 28 October 2024 in Nanjing, China. This event was made possible through the generous financial commitment and dedicated efforts of the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ISSCAS), who co-organized the symposium with FAO. Their significant contribution and support were instrumental in bringing together over 300 on-site participants and more than 2 000 virtual attendees from 176 countries, including leading soil experts, policymakers, and stakeholders—all united in advancing the global soil agenda.
