Partenariat mondial sur les sols

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Q&As are a great way to engage the audience while pushing different stakeholders to answer specific questions all at once. This is what we did during GSER 19!


The 7th Global Soil Partnership Plenary Assembly will take place at FAO headquarters from 5 to 7 June

Over 300 people including delegates and members of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) are expected to attend the meeting. The Plenary Assembly is the decision-making body of the Global Soil Partnership, it is where GSP partners review and prioritize GSP actions, making important decisions about the global soil agenda. However, the meeting and its side events are also open to external stakeholders and all FAO staff!


Working group to develop a global and regionally contextualized assessment of the state of knowledge on soil biodiversity covering its status, as well as opportunities and challenges to support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Global Symposium on Soil Biodiversity (GSOBI21)



Ukraine has productive and healthy soil, called chernozem, that is rich in organic matter. However, leading Ukrainian soil scientists estimate that water erosion affects 13.4 million ha, including 10.6 million ha of arable land. Erosion directly impacts soil fertility and agricultural production, which can lead to significant economic losses of more than Hrv 20 billion annually.


Around 500 participants from over 100 countries attended the Global Symposium on Soil Erosion (GSER19) hosted at FAO headquarters last week. The symposium focused on catalyzing efforts to reduce soil erosion, the most significant threat to our planet’s soils. Discussions focused on how policy and scientific evidence can be translated into concrete actions to reduce soil erosion towards food security and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
