Partenariat mondial sur les sols

Archive des faits saillants

Knowing our soils will help manage them in a sustainable way, unlock their potentials for mitigating and adapting to climate change and ensure sufficient food production for present and future generations.


Global Soil Partnership Newsletter

With World Soil Day 2017 approaching fast, the GSP Secretariat and partners are geared up to help create change by providing the soil community with tools and activities for an unforgettable celebration that will create a global buzz.



Forced migration that has plagued the world for the past years shows no sign of relenting. A new art installation featuring soils appears in FAO today and adds another dimension to the far reach of the issue of migration.


GSP Newsletter 
October 2017, Issue #13


An educational workshop organized by the Eurasian Center for Food Security and the Soil Science Department of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), with the support of FAO/GSP was held on 5-7 September 2017 in Moscow.
