Partenariat mondial sur les sols

Archive des faits saillants

Focal Points from 20 European countries and partners from more than 20 countries participated with the overall goal to consolidate the ESP and discuss about the regional implementation plan.


Building sustainable soil management capacity as International Year of Soils rolls out


FAO and members of the South American Soil Partnership work together to create a five-year plan to contribute to the recovery of soils in the subregion.

Workshop report (in spanish)


Les partenariats régionaux sur les sols vont organiser une série d’ateliers régionaux au cours de l’Année internationale des sols. L'objectif de ces consultations régionales est de renforcer les partenariats en rassemblant les tous nouveaux points focaux du GSP.


Friday 5th December 2014, soils were celebrated worldwide in more than 50 countries.

The launch of the International Year of Soils took place during the celebration of the first official UN World Soil Day 2014.
