Глобальное почвенное партнерство

архив Основные моменты

The four days of the Global Symposium on Soils and Water have been packed with remarkable discussions and presentations. FAO and its Global Soil Partnership are grateful for the active participation of over 2,000 participants.


FAO: Prioritize soil and water conservation in all international agendas


The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) has been working towards the reduction of cadmium in cocoa beans since December 2021 at the NICOLE LATAM General Assembly. This has been a collaborative effort involving experts from the GSP, NICOLE LATAM and Ekos Brazil. This joint project has been dedicated to developing and implementing tools and guidelines for the prevention and remediation of soil pollution. Specifically, the aim of the project was to assess and propose mitigation measures for the presence of cadmium in cocoa beans based on conceptual models developed for the Eastern Lowlands (Trinidad and Tobago) and the State of Manabí (Ecuador).


Soil and water are inseparable allies, acting as the fundamental cornerstones for sustaining life on our planet. They are the lifeblood of our planet, supporting food production, the diversity of ecosystems, and contributing to human well-being. Meeting our food and water requirements would be an insurmountable challenge without the presence of healthy soil and clean water.



The personnel of the Soil Laboratory (SEVE) at the Togolese Agricultural Research Institute (ITRA) in Lomé experienced an intense week of capacity building sessions from 24 to 28 July 2023, organized by the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) of FAO's Global Soil Partnership.

