Глобальное почвенное партнерство

архив Основные моменты

During its 5th session last February, the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA5) recognized the steps taken in the implementation of the resolution on managing soil pollution to achieve sustainable development adopted at the third session (UNEA3) in 2017.  Through this resolution, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) called on Member States and invited relevant UN organizations to address soil pollution in the global environmental, food security and agriculture, development and health agendas in an integrated manner, especially through preventive approaches and risk management using available science.


Василий Васильевич Докучаев, родившийся в России 1 марта 1846 года, является значимой фигурой для всех почвоведов мира. Будучи профессором минералогии и геологии Санкт-Петербургского университета, он своими трудами заложил научные основы почвоведения как одного из направлений естествознания. Он был первым ученым, который рассматривал почву как естественное тело, имеющее свой собственный генезис и свою собственную историю развития.


Since its first years World Soil Day (WSD) - 5 December acted as a global celebration consisting of activities such as photography exhibitions, film festivals, lectures, panel discussions, puppet shows, food bazaars, tree planting, fashion shows, concerts, sports competitions, quizzes, drawing contests, seminars, workshops, speeches, public awareness campaigns and poetry recitals.These events involved not only FAO offices and GSP partners, but also international and national NGOs, politicians, international celebrities, musicians and local dignitaries, as well as farmers and soil practitioners themselves.

From the time of the World Soil Day 2018, we gather data and key results of the campaign, analyzing our outreach and publishing a comprehensive report: The 2018 ‘Be the solution to soil pollution’, 2019 ‘Stop soil erosion, Save our future’, and last year's World Soil Day ‘Keep soil alive, Protect soil biodiversity’.

Read the World Soil Day 2020 - Campaign Report

Read the Magical World of Soil Biodiversity


GCP/GLO/730/GER: Sustainable soil management for nutrition-sensitive agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia

Baliadangi, Chandina, Chuadanga


In the framework of the Global Soil Information System (GloSIS), the Armenian Soil Information System (ArmSIS) was launched on 5 December 2020 during the World Soil Day official celebration. 

Access to the ArmSIS Portal
