

On November 10 2022, the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) celebrated its 5th anniversary. An online event was organized to celebrate the Network’s major achievements and to recall the key role of soil laboratories in providing reliable soil data for the overall implementation of sustainable soil management. 


The GSP continues strengthening national capacities on soil mapping for informed-decisions. An in-person training on digital soil mapping (DSM) was successfully delivered to GIS (geographic information system) experts and soil scientists from Rwanda (Bugesera) on September 19-23, 2022. Ms Isabel Luotto, GSP Secretariat’s soil information and data expert, provided the training on DSM within the framework of the project 'Capacity development on sustainable soil management in Africa': RWANDA. The project is financed by the China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE), and China International Development Cooperation Agency, the People’s Republic of China.


Join a one-day event built on the discussions and outcomes of the GLOBAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOILS FOR NUTRITION

The soil fertility status is the fundamental building block on which all agricultural production systems are built. A healthy soil - capable of providing balanced nutrients to plants - is the basis for improving productivity. But soil fertility status is declining. On 20 October from 09:00 to 17:00 CESTFAO and its Global Soil Partnership are pleased to invite you to a one-day event that will focus on the innovations in soil and plant nutrient management contributing to optimizing resource use, improving the nutritional value of food and maximizing crop productivity while minimizing negative impacts on the natural resources.



Join the call by organizing an event, entering the contests, or showing how you are taking action!


Latest updates from the closing workshop of the Project “Sustainable Soil Management for Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia” held in Dhaka, Bangladesh in August 2022.

4th August 2022, Dhaka, Bangladesh – A closing workshop of the Project “Sustainable Soil Management for Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia” was organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and its Global Soil Partnership (GSP). The workshop and the related mission (1-5 August 2022) were aimed at concluding the project activities and finalizing the validation of national policy briefs and technical guidelines containing concrete recommendations at the national level. 
