

This series of webinars named "Technical and financial tools for valuing the productive and environmental potential of soils in Latin America and the Caribbean" was held in virtual format on 4-8-9 June 2021 and saw the participation of almost 2000 experts from the region over the three days.

The event was jointly organized by the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean and by the Latin America Soil Partnership. The main participants consisted of GSP partners, FAO Country Offices, as well as all stakeholders involved in the environmental and productive sector of the region. Furthermore, the virtual setting allowed several interested participants from many other regions to join the discussion. The objective was to present the tools developed by the Global Soil Partnership in support of country activities for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.


The salinity and sodicity levels of soil are increasing in many areas around the world. Arid and semi-arid regions as well as croplands of coastal areas are among the most affected areas, though this process also occurs on other types of land. Often, this leads to reduced crop yields and sometimes to soils abandoned by farming since farmers renounce cultivating these soils completely. 

Naturally occurring saline and sodic soils are a valuable component of natural biomes. However, the growth of salinity in the croplands and surrounding areas due to improper management is a threat to agricultural production, food security, the provision of essential ecosystem services as well as the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

This third issue of the ITPS letters demonstrates how in some regions adverse effects of soil salinity and sodicity will likely be exacerbated by climate change and extreme weathering events and have further impacts on the prices of commodities produced in vulnerable areas while increasing mass migration of peoples in the future.

Read more: English | FAO card


Due to the public health impact of COVID-19 and to protect the well-being of all colleagues, delegates and partners, the Global Soil Partnership will held its Ninth GSP Plenary Assembly in a virtual format (Zoom) on  8-10 September 2021 from 12:00 to 15:00 pm (GMT+2). 

Registration link soon available.


Joint report reveals soil pollution as one of the world’s major challenges for ecosystem restoration


The establishment of INSAS governance, the development of a plan of action and the discussion of its implementation 

Attended by 260 participants from 94 countries, the first meeting of the International Network of Salt affected Soils (INSAS) was held virtually on 14-15 April, 2021. FAO’s Chief Scientist, Ms Elouafi, highlighted the importance of FAO in the process of developing and transmitting the best knowledge at a country level and discussed the 3 branched approach - preventing soil salinization, managing salt affected soils and rehabilitating affected soils. The goal of INSAS is to facilitate the sustainable management of salt-affected soils developing useful tools, harmonized methodologies and sharing good practices among farmers and countries.  More than 500 members, representing 120 countries, showed a decent global balance of nations, even at such an early stage of the INSAS development. 

