Глобальное почвенное партнерство

Call for joining Working Groups for Pillars 5

The GSP Secretariat is calling for experts from the different regions to engage in challenging formulation tasks regarding Pillar 5.


The GSP Secretariat is currently implementing the decisions taken by the Plenary Assembly related to the formulation of cogent Plans of Action for the GSP pillars. Drafts of these Plans of Action will be submitted to the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (likely timing of the meeting is in early April 2014) and subsequently to the Plenary Assembly.

As per the agreed Rules of Procedure of the GSP, working groups need to be established for developing such draft plans of action. These working groups should reflect a regionally balanced participation.

As the GSP is designed to be a genuine, inclusive, voluntary and participatory process, the Secretariat is calling for experts from the different regions to engage in these challenging formulation tasks.

In case you are interested to join the working groups for Pillars 5 (described below), please send an email to [email protected] indicating your interest and which Pillar you would like to be involved with. Please, also include a short version of your CV.

Pillars are as follows:

5- Harmonization of methods, measurements and indicators for the sustainable management and protection of soil resources