Partenariat mondial sur les sols



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The Global Symposium on Soil Information and Data, held from 25 to 28 September 2024, was a significant gathering that united 300 on-site participants and over 2 000 virtual attendees from around the world. This event brought together soil experts, policymakers, and stakeholders with a shared commitment to advancing the global soil agenda. The discussions centered around leveraging expertise, sharing experiences, and forging partnerships, highlighting the critical role of soil data in our agrifood systems.


Over three days, the 12th Plenary Assembly session of the Global Soil Partnership held in a hybrid event brought together 900 participants, 203 delegates and 143 GSP partners and soil-related stakeholders. Engaging in lively discussions, the assembly tackled the key challenges faced by our soils and set the agenda for action in the coming years. Featuring 8 opening remarks from high-level speaker and 21 powerful presentations, experts shared valuable knowledge and innovative solutions to nurture our precious soils.


The Recarbonization of Global Agricultural Soils (RECSOIL) initative seeks to protect and increase the treasure beneath our feet – soil organic carbon. As a key indicator of soil health, soil carbon can be increased through sustainable soil management. RECSOIL creates an enabling environment at a national level and empowers individual farmers to adopt sustainable practices that increase soil health, resilience to climate change, food security, and livelihoods.


From fertile valleys to arid lands, Guatemalan farmers face extreme weather conditions, erosion and soil degradation. The solution is not always clear, especially with high fertilizer prices. To address the issue, the Government of Guatemala together with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), with support from the United States Government, is launching the SoilFER Project. This project seeks to improve agricultural life through the collection of data and knowledge on soils, with the objective of establishing efficient information and monitoring systems, providing decision support tools and promoting sustainable practices. From farmer training to personalized advice, the goal is to increase soil yields, improve food security and increase resilience to drought.


Desde fértiles valles hasta tierras áridas, los agricultores guatemaltecos se enfrentan a condiciones climáticas extremas, erosión y degradación del suelo. La solución no siempre es clara, especialmente con los altos precios de los fertilizantes. Para abordar la temática, el Gobierno de Guatemala junto con la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), con respaldo del Gobierno de los Estado Unidos, pone en marcha el Proyecto SoilFER. Este proyecto busca mejorar la vida agrícola mediante la recopilación de datos y conocimientos sobre los suelos, con el objetivo de establecer sistemas de información y monitoreo eficientes, proporcionar herramientas de apoyo a la toma de decisiones y promover prácticas sostenibles. Desde la capacitación de agricultores hasta el asesoramiento personalizado, el objetivo es aumentar los rendimientos del suelo, mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y aumentar la resiliencia ante la sequía.


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