Global Soil Partnership

Field exercises

The Field Exercises explain how to conduct field observations and asses chemical, physical or biological soil properties using the tools included in the soil kits.


Each exercise is connected to one or more posters in the training modules and, when available, video tutorials. You can download the pdf in the preferred language and print in A4 format according to the technical specifications.


If you know a good field exercise that is missing, you are welcome to propose activities using THIS FORMAT.








Roots Observation

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English FrenchSpanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Khmer | Lao | Portuguese | Uzbek | Hausa

Earthworm Count

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English | French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Khmer


Soil pH: Universal Colorimetric Indicator

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English FrenchSpanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Lao | Uzbek | Hasuna

Soil pH: Indicator Strips

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages:

Video tutorial: How to measure soil pH using indicator strips - EN | FR | ES | RU

Soil pH: Vinegar and Baking Soda

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages:

Soil pH: Red Cabbage

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages:

Organic Matter: Colour Observation

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English FrenchSpanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Lao | Uzbek | Hausa

Organic Matter: Hydrogen Peroxide

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English FrenchSpanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Lao | Hausa

Salinity: Electrical Conductivity

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages:

Soil Nutrient Availability

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Lao | Uzbek | Portuguese


Texture: Ring Method

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English FrenchSpanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Lao | PortugueseUzbek | Hausa

Video tutorial: How to evaluate soil texture using the ring method - EN | FR | ES | RU

Texture: Ribbon Method

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages:

Soil Structure: Observation

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English | FrenchSpanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Khmer | Hausa | Uzbek | Portuguese

Soil Structure:  Aggregate Stability (Slake test)

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Hausa Lao | Uzbek | Portuguese

Soil Compaction: Infiltration Test

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Khmer

Soil Compaction: Mottles

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages:

Soil moisture: feel and appearance

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Lao

Soil and water content: gravimetric method

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages:

Soil cover estimation

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: