Partenariat mondial sur les sols

Exercices de terrain

Les exercices de terrain expliquent comment effectuer des observations sur le terrain et évaluer les propriétés chimiques, physiques ou biologiques des sols à l'aide des outils inclus dans le KIT EDUCATIFS SUR LES SOLS. Chaque exercice est lié à un ou plusieurs posters des modules de formation et, le cas échéant, à des vidéos.

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Observation des racines

Télécharger le PDF: Haute résolution 


Langues officielles: AnglaisFrançais | Espagnol | Chinois | Russe | Arabe

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Comptage des vers de terre


Langues officielles: Anglais | Français | Espagnol | Chinois | Russe | Arabe

Autres langues:


Soil pH: Universal Colorimetric Indicator

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English FrenchSpanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Lao | Uzbek | Hasuna

Soil pH: Indicator Strips

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages:

Video tutorial: How to measure soil pH using indicator strips - EN | FR | ES | RU

Soil pH: Vinegar and Baking Soda

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages:

Soil pH: Red Cabbage

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages:

Organic Matter: Colour Observation

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English FrenchSpanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Lao | Uzbek | Hausa

Organic Matter: Hydrogen Peroxide

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English FrenchSpanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Lao | Hausa

Salinity: Electrical Conductivity

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages:

Soil Nutrient Availability

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Lao | Uzbek | Portuguese


Texture: Ring Method

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English FrenchSpanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Lao | PortugueseUzbek | Hausa

Video tutorial: How to evaluate soil texture using the ring method - EN | FR | ES | RU

Texture: Ribbon Method

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages:

Soil Structure: Observation

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English | FrenchSpanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Khmer | Hausa | Uzbek | Portuguese

Soil Structure:  Aggregate Stability (Slake test)

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Hausa Lao | Uzbek | Portuguese

Soil Compaction: Infiltration Test

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Khmer

Soil Compaction: Mottles

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages:

Soil moisture: feel and appearance

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: Lao

Soil and water content: gravimetric method

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages:

Soil cover estimation

The Global Soil Doctors Programme's Field Exercises developed by the Global Soil Partnership.


Official languages: English French | Spanish | Chinese | Russian | Arabic

Other languages: