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Food Additive Details

Polyethylene glycol (1521)

  • Macrogol
  • PEG
Functional Classes
  • Antifoaming agent
  • Carrier
  • Emulsifier
  • Glazing agent
  • Thickener

JECFA Lookup Click here to search the FAO JECFA database for the specifications of additive(s) with INS No. 1521

 Click here to search the WHO JECFA database for evaluation of additive(s) with INS No. 1521

GSFA Provisions for Polyethylene glycol
Number Food Category Max Level Notes
Food Category Hierarchy 05.3 Chewing gum 20,000 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 14.1.4 Water-based flavoured drinks, including "sport," "energy," or "electrolyte" drinks and particulated drinks 1,000 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy Surface-treated fresh fruit GMP
Food Category Hierarchy 11.6 Table-top sweeteners, including those containing high-intensity sweeteners 10,000 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 13.6 Food supplements 70,000 mg/kg

Note: Unless otherwise specified, food additive provisions apply to the food category indicated (e.g. Dairy), as well as to all subcategories of that category (e.g. Cheese, Ripened Cheese, etc.).

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