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Food Additive Details

Tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) (319)

  • TBHQ
Functional Classes
  • Antioxidant

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GSFA Provisions for Tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ)
Number Food Category Max Level Notes
Food Category Hierarchy 01.3.2 Beverage whiteners 100 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 01.5.2 Milk and cream powder analogues 100 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 02.1.1 Butter oil, anhydrous milkfat, ghee 120 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 02.1.2 Vegetable oils and fats 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 02.1.3 Lard, tallow, fish oil, and other animal fats 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 02.2.2 Fat spreads, dairy fat spreads and blended spreads 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 02.3 Fat emulsions mainly of type oil-in-water, including mixed and/or flavoured products based on fat emulsions 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 02.4 Fat-based desserts excluding dairy-based dessert products of food category 01.7 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 03.0 Edible ices, including sherbet and sorbet 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 05.1.4 Cocoa and chocolate products 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 05.2 Confectionery including hard and soft candy, nougats, etc. other than food categories 05.1, 05.3 and 05.4 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 05.3 Chewing gum 400 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 05.4 Decorations (e.g. for fine bakery wares), toppings (non-fruit) and sweet sauces 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 06.4.3 Pre-cooked pastas and noodles and like products 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 07.1.1 Breads and rolls 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 07.1.2 Crackers, excluding sweet crackers 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 07.1.3 Other ordinary bakery products (e.g. bagels, pita, English muffins) 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 07.1.4 Bread-type products, including bread stuffing and bread crumbs 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 08.2 Processed meat, poultry, and game products in whole pieces or cuts 100 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 08.3 Processed comminuted meat, poultry, and game products 100 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 12.2 Herbs, spices, seasonings and condiments (e.g. seasoning for instant noodles) 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 12.4 Mustards 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 12.5 Soups and broths 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 12.6 Sauces and like products 200 mg/kg
Food Category Hierarchy 15.0 Ready-to-eat savouries 200 mg/kg

Note: Unless otherwise specified, food additive provisions apply to the food category indicated (e.g. Dairy), as well as to all subcategories of that category (e.g. Cheese, Ripened Cheese, etc.).

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