Colombia is one of the countries participating for the first time in the Investment Forum this year. In line with the strategic policies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Hand-in-Hand initiative supports the sustainable development of the dairy value chain in the most vulnerable territories of the Southwestern region of Colombia.
The investment proposal includes 4 strategic axes targeting dairy farmers in Cauca and Putumayo, two priority departments for interventions due to its high livestock potential, making it suitable for rural development initiatives.
Currently, there are international cooperation partners and private sector entities that have been actively working in the targeted area. The objective is to expand the coverage of the intervention and strive to make productive investments that enhance the income of producers. It's worth noting that the Department of Cauca specifically is home to significant indigenous communities, adding to its cultural and social importance.

The investment in the dairy value chain aims to cover each phase from primary production to milk collection and commercialization. It focuses on agroecosystem management, productivity and competitiveness, associative collection of small producers, and processing and marketing. The objective is to increase the production and productivity of the sector, which will see a 72% increase through the implementation of a sustainable project.
Among the main results, the intervention plans to enhance sustainable livestock production systems, strengthen 20 collection centres, develop 5 new dairy products and establish 3 new dairy processing plants, in addition to implementing Good Agricultural Practices and strengthening collaboration and participation to enhance formal market.
The project will be implemented in 18 municipalities prioritized in the departments of Cauca and Putumayo, where there is a strong commitment from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to achieve sustainable, resilient, and low-carbon development in the dairy value chain. In fact, with this intervention 2.2 M tCO2eq will be capture by 2043.
This intervention has a total cost of US$34.9M with an average Internal Rate Return of 24,09%, which seeks to reach 8.000 beneficiaries and increase 170% per capita income.
See the investment plan slide deck presentation from Colombia for Investment Forum 2023 (Below)
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