Dominican Republic Investment Proposal



Dominican Republic Investment Plans and Opportunities
HiH Investment Forum 2024

Coming soon...



The Proposal

The Dominican Republic is making its inaugural participation in the Investment Forum this year, with a key focus on the consolidation of the Enriquillo Norte Agroindustrial Center. This initiative aligns with the country's three national priorities, which encompass the establishment of a special zone for comprehensive border development and the implementation of the Master Plan for the Pedernales Tourism Development Project. Additionally, the execution of the Border Zone Development Strategy is integral to the country's development objectives.

To ensure targeted intervention, four provinces have been identified as priority areas for intervention: Barahona, Pedernales, Independencia, and Bahoruco. These regions possess immense agricultural and economic potential. The intervention strategies will primarily concentrate on four value chains: coffee, plantain, vegetables, and fruits. By emphasizing the promotion and enhancement of small, medium, and large-scale agricultural production, the aim is to significantly increase productivity and stimulate rural development.

The Hand-in-Hand Initiative recognizes that by improving production efficiency, access to markets, and fostering connections between local tourism companies and rural enterprises, such as family farms, associations, cooperatives, and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MYPIMES), substantial benefits can be realized. This approach aims to augment food availability, provide better income opportunities for rural families, and contribute to the overall socioeconomic well-being of rural populations.

With this intervention, the objective is to transform agrifood systems and strength market access for farmers. The project will reach 38,000 direct beneficiaries and 64,000 indirect, but also improve 32,200 ha for a better production of legumes, tubers, vegetables and fruits. Better production will supply the demand generated by the new and increased tourism in the region, as well as by the local market of Santo Domingo and the binational market with Haiti. Finally, it is also expected that 14,400 tons of agricultural products will be commercialized through the Agroindustrial Center every year. The total cost of the intervention is US$ 35.58 million with an average of the internal rate return of  46.4%.

The Dominican Republic's participation in the Investment Forum signifies its commitment to fostering sustainable agricultural practices, promoting agro-industry and logistics, and nurturing the growth of rural tourism.

Total Investment
Investment Identified
IRR Value
NPV Value
Direct  Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Total Beneficiaries
Per capita income increase



Dominican Republic Typologies




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Agro-informatics connects information technology with the management, analysis and application of agricultural data to design more accurate and targeted agricultural interventions. The use of new technologies and techniques in agriculture, such as satellite imagery, remote sensing, and geographic information systems, enable the transformation of data into actionable information.


Government of Dominican Republic: Investment cases in the Dominican Republic


Dominican Republic Investment Cases and Interventions



Agro-industrial Center 

0.0 Million USD

0.0 Million Beneficiaries

Development of agro-industrial infrastructure

The first component of the intervention includes design and building of the agro-industrial center and its satellite centers, with special attention to technical assistance for the establishment of new production alliance and center management. It focuses on the sustainable use of natural resources, and implementation of agricultural practices adapted to climate change and irrigation technology. It has an estimated cost of US$ 18.88 million.

Capacity building of producers

The second component of the investment aims to provide technical assistance to achieve good implementation of agricultural practice adapted to climate change and to strengthen the capacities of producer organizations. Likewise, business plans will be designed with a focus on markets to improve access and better management of the organization structure. It has an estimated cost of US$ 7.2 million.

Promotion of productive development and access to markets

The last component of the intervention consists in the implementation of business plans and improving technification of the irrigation. In the last step of the project, the objective is to articulate the supply and market management, but also to increase post-harvest services. It has a total cost of US$ 9.5 million.




For more information, please contact the Hand-in-Hand team.