The Gambia
Desertification has resulted in a loss of nearly 100 000 hectares of forested areas between 1998 and 2009 in Gambia. Almost half of the country’s land area needs restoration. At the same time, over 40%, some 423 000 hectares, is still covered by forest.
Since its launch in 2016, Action Against Desertification has been supporting 50 rural communities to manage forest resources and control land degradation and deforestation, promoting:
Community forestry management and restoration: putting control of forest in the hands of ten communities and consolidating community forests of at least 17 communities. 4 269 ha of community forests were planted. A total of 27 736 seedlings were produced and planted by local communities.
Joint management of forest parks: state authorities and communities manage three parks together.
Improvement of rural livelihoods: Edible forest fruits and nuts, handicrafts and honey were developed as NTFPs in Gambia. Beekeeping activities saw a high level of involvement, with a total of 888 project beneficiaries participating. In addition, 900 improved stoves were produced and distributed to local villages. These stoves save wood and protect the health of users.
Capacity development: 1 083 people (44 percent of which were women) were reached through 31 training sessions and workshops. Most of these activities focused on restoration and plantation activities, and others centred on communication.
Awareness raising: promoting environmental protection in collaboration with nine youth clubs.
Action Against Desertification in Gambia [read more]
- Intervention area: 50 villages in the North Bank Region, Upper River Region and Lower River Region
- Population : 390 000 inhabitants
- Surface: 361 000 hectares
- Restoration potential : 549 000 hectares (48% of total land area of Gambia)