Acción Contra la Desertificación


Desertification is recognized as the most serious environmental threat affecting land productivity in Sudan, and it affects all parts of the country. A National Action Plan was validated in September 2015 for the implementation of the Great Green Wall in Sudan.

The BRIDGES project working closely with Action Against Desertification will contribute to the implementation of the national GGW programme in the Kassala State, located in Eastern Sudan and bordering the project intervention area with Eritrea. The project will focus on the following key activities:

Land restoration on 2 000 hectares of degraded land in different agro-sylvo-pastoral ecosystems, using the successful AAD's large scale restoration techniques which combine direct sowing and seedling plantation of useful native fodder herbaceous and woody species.

Non-timber forest products value chains for products such as Gum Arabic and fodder with particular great commercial potentials in the region of intervention, supporting income generation and diversification of income sources, as well as improving food and feed security.

Capacity development strengthening through research and knowledge sharing activities, including the dissemination of best practices and monitoring and evaluation systems.

BRIDGES in Sudan [read more]

  • Intervention area: Wad Elhilia locality in Kassala wilayat (State)
  • Population: 125 000 inhabitants
  • Surface area: 4 000 sq. km