Acción Contra la Desertificación


Erosion affects over half of Haiti’s territory, a consequence of an alarming rate of deforestation, combined with inappropriate agricultural practices. 6% of the land, or 166 500 hectares, is considered to be severely eroded.

Since 2015, Action Against Desertification helps local communities in Haiti’s Grand’Anse department with the restoration of degraded land by planting native species of trees, shrubs and grasses. The project also promotes the development of non-timber forest products.

The efforts address some of the major causes of land degradation in Haiti, in line with its National Action Programme for the Implementation of the UN's Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).

Land restoration: 11 645 hectares of degraded land were planted for restoration using 5 million seedlings of local forest and fruit species. Over 12 868 people benefited from these activities, with 30 percent being women and 65 percent being young people. Roughly 12 000 jobs in seedling production and manual restoration were created.

Income generating activities: Focus was placed on NTFPs including seeds (maize, bean, peas, sweet potato, cassava and banana) and honey, as well as on savings and credit unions. Ten savings and credit unions were established, benefiting 3 200 people, 70 percent of them women. Nearly 15 000 litres of honey were produced. These activities generated over USD 28 808, and that amount is expected to grow in the future.

Capacity development: A total of 46 workshops and training sessions were carried out through Farmer Field Schools in Haiti. Nearly all of these events focused on restoration and plantation. They benefited 9 590 people.

Action Against Desertification in Haiti [read more]

  • Intervention area: Five communes (Bonbon, Abricots, Jérémie, Moron and Dame-Marie) in the Grand’Anse department
  • Population : 242 060 inhabitants
  • Surface: 83 575 hectares